Sara Inga Utsi Bongo (b. 1984) is a lecturer and practitioner within the field of duodji, sami crafting methods. With a strong connection to reindeerherding she prepares and makes traditional duodji of hide and fur from reindeer. She also works with textiles, yarn and other materials related to duodji. The starting point in her practice are items the sami people have made and still make for everyday life. In the processes of preparing materials and making useful items, such as footwear and clothing, she looks for aesthetical and other values revealed. In her work she highlights those values and ideas, and strive to maintain, develop and transfer traditional knowledge. Inspiration is aquired from the surrounding nature, the reindeerherding lifestyle and the rich and adaptable duodji traditions.
Sara Inga holds a masterdegree in duodji from the Sami University of Applied Sciences, a certificate of apprenticeship in the field of leather and fur duodji and has practical pedagogical education. Currently she works on a PhD in artistic reasearch at Sámi University of Applied Sciences / Art Academy in Oslo.